• Welcome to Warrens Gardens
  • Established 2005
What services do you offer?
We offer a wide range of gardening services including lawn care, landscaping design, garden maintenance, tree pruning, irrigation system installation and repair, pest control, and seasonal clean-ups. We also provide consultation services to help you design and plan your garden.
How often should my garden be maintained?
The frequency of garden maintenance depends on the specific needs of your garden and the season. Generally, we recommend bi-weekly visits during the growing season (spring and summer) and monthly visits during the dormant season (autumn and winter). However, we can customize a maintenance schedule based on your garden's unique requirements.
Do you offer organic gardening options?
Yes, we do! We offer a variety of organic gardening services including the use of organic fertilisers, pest control methods, and soil amendments. Our team is committed to sustainable gardening practices that promote a healthy and eco-friendly environment.
How do I schedule a consultation or service?
Scheduling a consultation or service is easy! You can fill out the contact form on our website, give us a call at 01202 765525, or email us at info@warrensgardens.com. Our team will get back to you promptly to arrange a convenient time for your consultation or service appointment.
What should I expect during the first consultation?
During the first consultation, our gardening experts will visit your property to assess your garden's current condition and discuss your goals and preferences. We will provide recommendations and develop a customized plan tailored to your needs. This is also a great time for you to ask any questions you may have.
How do you ensure the quality of your services?
We take pride in delivering high-quality gardening services. Our team consists of experienced and certified professionals who use top-notch equipment and materials. We follow industry best practices and continuously educate ourselves on the latest gardening techniques. Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we strive to exceed your expectations with every visit. Warrens Garden Services has proudly achieved the SafeContractor accreditation, underscoring its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of health and safety in all its operations. This certification is awarded to companies that demonstrate excellence in safety management, ensuring that their practices meet rigorous industry standards.

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